Hair Transplant Academy

Hair transplantation has become an unquestionable solution against alopecia and other aesthetic problems related to hair and is the main measure that users choose to solve, resulting in such technique achieving exponential growth in the market.

The growing labour opportunity that this has generated has encouraged this training, proposing a specialisation that guarantees to be up to the current demands and improve the quality of service that is provided in the area of ​​Hair Medicine. From these detected deficiencies, Dr. Panno Hair Transplant Academy was born, the Centre for Specialised Health Training, supported by the professional level of the coordinating team and endorsed by more than seventeen years of experience in the field.

It is essential to apply yourself in this field of work with complete training to support the task. Thus, Hair Transplant Academy proposes a portfolio of courses aimed at professionals in this field with which to train in for all alopecia medicine context that requires skills and abilities duly acquired, of which, there is still no official training and properly defined .

If you want more information, contact us:

Online Teaching


International Students

Hands On Training

Permanent Advisor

Specialised Teachers

    1. Responsable de los datos: PRESTIGE MEDICAL, S.L.U.

    2. Finalidad de los datos: Envío de comunicaciones corporativas.

    3. Almacenamiento de los datos: Los datos serán tratados según el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679

    4. En cualquier momento puedes limitar, recuperar y borrar tu información. Contactando con

    C/ Azahar s/n 29660 Marbella, Málaga
    Lunes-Viernes 9-19 h
    Monday-Friday 9-19 h