Types of treatments for alopecia
Over time many treatments for alopecia have been developed without good results but that has already changed. Thanks to new research the problems of alopecia are over, nowadays any person who is bald is able to recover his hair thanks to new treatments developed and that takes time giving very good results, as in the case of Dr. Panno.
This specialist in hair treatments doctor has developed new techniques to achieve full recovery of your hair, the hair technique Tricomplete is one of them. Preventive capillary medicine for treatments for alopecia. The preventive capillary medicine for hair alopecia treatments offers medical options based on mesotherapy, carboxiterapia, supplements, finasteride and minoxidil.
The combination of these treatments is the alternative to surgery for patients suffering from alopecia in its initial stages or other identified medical problems. We pursue the following objectives:
• Stop hair loss
• Accelerate the growth of native and transplanted hair
• Promote the anagen and telogen phases
Hair transplant with a professional
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