The opinion of the expert and quality of the services, base in the capillary medicine

There are many doubts that can arise when performing a hair transplant. This is a very important issue, to be dealt with by professionals specialized in the subject, so this figure, together with the quality of the services provided and the practice in centers that comply with the regulations in force, become basic pillars at the time of make a decision. Currently, the internet allows us to access a large amount of information that was previously almost impossible to imagine.

However, we must take special care when consulting websites, as is the case of forums or portals that are not accredited, as they do not have a specific scientific basis. The main positions that can be found in these scenarios are usually non-endorsed experiences, “semi-professional” advice or unidentified persons, without even knowing if they are real patients who have undergone any specific treatment. The proof is even in the legal field, since many of the spaces have their own server in the United States and not in Spain, in order to prevent being tracked if necessary.

Being such a serious issue, we recommend that the search for information be based on direct consultation with the specialist, as it is the best guarantee that will provide us with the security we really need. The fact that the center has some type of recognition or award and that the doctors form part of certain associations will further guarantee the guarantees.

From consumer associations promote the need to be guided by the advice of specialists by publishing, constantly, research on certain products considered fraudulent when presented as “miraculous”. Therefore, it is best to flee from experiences not endorsed by professionals and any initiative that is presented as the best option suddenly and that can be really harmful to our health.

Hair Transplant with a professional

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Lunes-Viernes 9-19 h
Monday-Friday 9-19 h