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Why Hair Fall in Spring ?

The arrival of spring, blood alters!

And it also influences hair loss. Surely you will have verified yourselves that the hair falls to a greater or lesser extent throughout the year, and, normally, a greater volume of capillary fall is experienced in the changes of season. This is known as seasonal fall and is a reality that affects both men and women.

Hair grows based on life cycles or phases. During the spring, the hair follicles can enter a resting phase, which promotes an increase in hair loss. In addition, there are other factors that favor hair loss, such as hormonal changes, diet, mood and light. The effects of photoperiod on the hair usually translate into the fall of seasonal hair called seasonal telogen effluvium.
However, not all people have hair life cycles equal. In some patients, the end of the natural hair cycle may coincide with the change of season and not in others.

How to prevent hair loss in spring.
Seasonal telogen effluvium should not be a cause of alarm, since by general normal the hair that falls back grows back, there must be a balance between the one that is lost and the one that is born. In the case of experiencing a chronic hair loss, it is advisable to go to a specialist to assess the particular case and the doctor to draw up a plan of regenerative hair treatments for the patient
At the Dr. Panno Hair Transplant Clinic, we offer a wide variety of regenerative treatments to restore the hair’s natural and habitual appearance at any time of the year, as well as to prevent hair loss.

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