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Hair Micropigmentation, an Alternative to Hair Grafting

Capillary micropigmentation and capillary grafting

Hair micropigmentation is a technique that injects pigments under the skin of the scalp in order to improve the appearance of the alopecia area. It consists of a kind of optical simulation of hair birth on the scalp by darkening the skin. Although the results offered may seem natural, capillary micropigmentation does not provide the 3D effect offered by the hair graft, so that by itself it does not meet all the requirements to obtain fantastic results in the hair graft.

In some cases, the success will lie in the combination of both techniques

Therefore, capillary micropigmentation and capillary grafting can be considered as complementary options for the treatment of the area of the scalp that needs improvement.

Whatever the combination of techniques used, the need to place oneself in the hands of the appropriate professional and a specialist in capillary surgery who is perfectly qualified to apply the treatment or perform such intervention will be fundamental.

Hair transplant with a professional

The hair transplant is the definitive and most natural solution to fight alopecia and is the only option to achieve a 3D effect of the hair. The naturalness of the results will be the key to the work done in the clinic. At the Dr. Panno Hair Transplant Clinic, the first Spanish clinic designed exclusively for the performance of hair transplants, we offer our patients the guarantee of natural, affordable and unbeatable results thanks to the addition of the following ingredients: professionalism, dedication , perfectionism and experience, both of the hair surgeon, Dr. Ezequiel Panno, and of all his team.

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