implante capilar

Basic Indications for Postoperative Hair Loss

After performing a capillary surgery at the Dr. Panno hair transplant Clinic, where a certain number of hair grafts have been placed on the patient, it is necessary to follow a series of indications for the correct care of the grafts and for the adequate compliance of the postoperative phase determined by the doctor.

In the hours immediately after the hair transplant:

The patient, when he leaves the clinic after the intervention with his hair grafts placed, is placed a bandage to cover the area where the extraction of follicular units has been done that have been necessary. This area will recover approximately in less than 12 hours, this time period may be shorter or longer depending on the particular case of the patient.

During the three days after the hair transplant:

  • Put on the grafts, every 15 or 20 minutes, a spray spray that we will recommend from the Clinic. This care is very important since this routine will depend on how long the scabs will last.
  • Place ice in the area of the forehead, also every 15 or 20 minutes, to prevent the area from becoming inflamed.
  • Sleep in a semi-sitting position, with the head above the level of the heart and feet.

On the fourth day of the hair transplant:

Whenever possible, the patient should go to the Clinic for the first time to wash his head, teach him how to use the proper pressure to clean the scabs. Scabs should not last more than 7 days.

In the second week of the hair transplant:

The patient will return to the Clinic for another review to trace a personalized medical treatment to stop the fall of his natural hair. Keep in mind that grafted hair is for life, but the patient’s natural hair will continue its cycle of androgenetic alopecia.

From the third month of the hair transplant

The hair will start to grow, although all the grafted hairs may be growing little by little during the period of a year or year and a half.

Hair graft with a professional

You can consult more interesting contents about the capillary graft in Dr. Panno’s blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We also invite you to watch interesting videos on our Youtube channel.

C/ Azahar s/n 29660 Marbella, Málaga
Lunes-Viernes 9-19 h
Monday-Friday 9-19 h