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The Hair Implant, a Definitive Reinforcement to Self-esteem

Currently, it is known that more than 50% of men and 20% of women suffer from alopecia, that is, they observe day by day how hair loss alters their image and their habitual appearance. For some, this does not represent an inconvenience. Unfortunately, the great majority lives this situation with sadness, apathy and desolation, considering it as irremediable. However, the capillary graft or capillary implant is emerging with increasing force as an effective solution.

Hair graft the solution to your self-esteem

In a world where image and aesthetics play a preponderant role, it is not enough to resign oneself and surrender to the problems of alopecia. The capillary medina through the realization of the capillary implant by FUE or FUSS technique, can offer alternatives adapted to each particular problem, in the form of diverse solutions to face the alopecia.
The techniques of capillary grafting have evolved enormously since its inception and nowadays, they appear as a possible and affordable solution to any person who wants a radical change in their appearance. Achieving the desired capillary density in a single intervention, in a painless way and beautifying the personal appearance, is today a dream come true. It is difficult to describe the great emotional impact that this person’s self-esteem has on the immediate results obtained through capillary surgery.
However, the great enthusiasm generated by future results should not make the decision to choose the right professional is hasty. It is essential to choose a serious and competent clinic in the field so that the results confirm a happy ending.

In this sense, one of the most demanded specialists in capillary surgery in Spain, with a recognized trajectory and a great professional experience is Dr. Ezequiel Panno. In his innovative hair surgery clinic located in Marbella, he offers personalized attention by developing his pioneering FUSS techniques with invisible suture and nano FUE, among other possible treatments, always accompanied by the best equipment.

Hair graft with a professional

You can consult more interesting contents about the capillary graft in Dr. Panno’s blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We also invite you to watch interesting videos on our Youtube channel.

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