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Capillary grafting Technique : nanoFUE

implante capilar

There are different techniques of capillary grafting, all of them are carried out and put into practice by Dr. Panno and his team.

In addition, it is important to emphasize that there is no better or worse method, but each of them has its pros and cons depending on the characteristics and preferences of the patient. In his constant research and continuous research towards the path of excellence, Dr. Panno has developed own and improved capillary graft techniques that mark a before and after in hair reconstruction. One of these is the nanoFUE capillary implant technique. It is one of the most recommended capillary graft techniques, for the percentage of success in the results that it gives in a capillary graft. Being a complex capillary graft technique, requires great expertise on the part of the surgeon, so it can only be successfully developed by experts with many years of practice in hair surgery.

What is the nanoFUE capillary graft technique?

Here are some features and advantages of this technique of Dr. Panno, the nanoFUE capillary graft technique:

Hair graft with a professional

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