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Ethics in Hair Medicine

The quality in hair medicine

For years, hair transplantation has been used as a resource to attract the visit of a large number of patients in certain countries such as Turkey. The presentation of a wide range of offers at a very low price not only endangers the health of patients by not guaranteeing the appropriate quality standards, but also generates serious damage within the professional sector.

What are the main causes of the low cost boom in recent years?

The so-called “capillary tourism” has been created through a network of agencies that connect multiple clinics where these operations are developed, including also stays in luxury hotels. Part of this development is given by the government itself by financing, for a long time, with different types of aid, these activities that not only harm the medical-surgical sector, but are based on the exclusive pursuit of economic benefit.
In the case of Spain, as an example, there are more than six million people suffering from baldness, being a market of interest that should be attracted. It is the economic variable that mainly moves citizens to move to this type of countries, with the clear objective of obtaining a price that is more than affordable in relation to its value, even without all the medical guarantees.
Regarding treatments, many of the cases promise, through the FUE technique, the implantation of up to 4,000 follicular units in the same session and in a very small number of hours. However, hair transplantation is a very complex activity that should not be done without knowing exhaustively the needs of each patient. The hours necessary to achieve a natural result must be used and special attention must be paid to the care during the post-operative period, resorting to the checks marked by the professional. The latter is not considered in Turkish low cost clinics.

It is necessary to be aware of the importance of selecting the right professional at the time of performing a hair transplant, because we should not risk putting our health at stake. At Dr. Panno’s clinic, we studied each of the needs individually, we accompany the patient throughout the process and we are always available to solve all your doubts.

Hair trasplant with a professional

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