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Unshaven Hair Transplants

Hair transplants are the solution that more and more people choose to definitively solve their alopecia problems. There are many advantages and many virtues that this solution offers, and thanks to the great professionalism and expertise of quality hair surgeons, such as Dr. Panno, the results are usually excellent.

The hair transplants: do I have to shave my head?

One of the most frequent questions that our patients or potential patients ask us through our social networks or at the first informative consultation in the clinic is about the need to shave or not shave the head when performing a hair surgery. The question of shaving is one of the most worrisome due to the great aesthetic change that this circumstance entails and the time it will take to return the hair to its usual state.

Shaving the head will only be necessary in the case of the application of certain hair transplant techniques. In addition, thanks to the advanced techniques in hair transplantation that we currently have, you can opt for the procedure that best suits the needs of the patient.

The long hair FUE technique, a method of hair transplants without shaving

At the Dr. Panno Hair Transplant Clinic, the first Spanish clinic dedicated exclusively to hair transplantation, we offer a wide variety of techniques. Some of them have even been improved by Dr. Panno and their own techniques have been created, such as the Nano FUE technique.

The FUE technique, one of the most widespread in the field of hair surgery, can be performed without shaving the head. This technique, which is performed under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis, has a variant that allows the hair transplant to be performed without shaving. It is a specific technique that we call long hair FUE, in which the surgery can be performed without shaving the scalp.

The hairs are extracted from the back and side of the head using a tiny cylindrical scalpel and grafted into groups of up to three hairs following the birth line, the growth pattern and the natural orientation of the hair. Later and before returning to your home, you will be given instructions on postoperative care and medication.

There are two ways to perform the technique:

1: A minimum shaving is done to bands only in the donor area (back of the head). Shaving is hidden with upper bands of donor area that is not shaved and that completely cover the hair. There is a limitation on the number of follicular units to be transplanted of 1500 follicular units (UF).

2: It is done with a punch, as well as with very particular movements. It can be done with a hair length of up to 3 cm. It is a technique that allows to know better the orientation of grafted hair and obtains a very natural result. When performing the long hair FUE technique, precautions and postoperative care should be extreme. Up to 500 follicular units (UF) can be grafted per day for 3 consecutive days.

Hair transplant with a professional

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