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Everything You Need To Know Before Getting A Hair Surgery

injerto hair surgery

The volume of hair surgeries and the application of regenerative treatments against alopecia are experiencing strong growth in recent years. According to a report prepared by Top Doctors, “Spain is one of the European countries with the highest rate of alopecia, more than 50 percent of men and 30 percent of women are affected by an abnormal hair loss that can cause them baldness. “At the Dr. Panno Hair Transplant Clinic, we increasingly attend more patients who come looking to improve their physical appearance and definitively solve their alopecia problems.

What basic aspects should you consider?

In a hair surgery, the most important thing is to choose well: a suitable clinic, dedicated exclusively to hair transplantation, and a professional with extensive experience and training in the field of hair surgery. This will be the starting point of a hair transplant with basic guarantees.

In addition, before performing a hair transplant, it is also essential that you have received all the necessary information and have resolved all your doubts about the intervention, the pre-operative and the postoperative. At the Dr. Panno Hair Transplant Clinic we offer a first free informative consultation to all our patients interested in knowing and knowing more about the hair transplant. The price, the time it will take to grow the hair, the need for shaving, the possibilities of financing or the type of intervention that is hair surgery are some of the most frequent issues that we will solve in this initial contact.

The patient who undergoes a hair transplant must assume responsibility in the postoperative phase, being this key to the success of the hair surgery. Therefore, if you are thinking about having a hair transplant, it is important that you know that it is a broad process that does not end in the intervention, but that it lasts throughout the subsequent months in which basic care is required and the application of a medical treatment that will require monitoring and periodic consultations.

Hair surgery, better in Spain

As a reference clinic in the field of hair surgery nationally and internationally, and with the best hair surgeon in charge of this team, Dr. Panno, we recommend to all those interested in having a hair transplant that they choose a clinic for Quality in Spain. More and more medical fraud and negligence are committed in “low cost” hair transplant clinics in destinations such as Turkey.

From the Dr. Panno Hair Transplant Clinic we affirm and support that any hair surgery is better and safer in Spain. Among the main reasons for not having a hair graft in Turkey is the question of the figure of the hair surgeon. In Turkey, the professional who often performs hair grafting is usually not a doctor and not a hair surgeon.

Hair transplant with a professional

You can consult more interesting content about hair transplants, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We also invite you to watch interesting videos on our Youtube channel.

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