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Hair Self-Medicating Risks

Riesgos de la Automedicación Capilar
Hair self-medicating is an increasingly widespread behavior among patients who want to treat their alopecia or improve the condition of their hair, and yet it is still a counterproductive habit that carries great risks.
At Dr. Panno’s Hair Transplant Clinic, in addition to having the most advanced techniques in hair transplantation and a great team of specialists in the field, we offer a wide variety of hair regeneration treatments that our patients can enjoy.

Oral and Topical Treatment and Injectables

Are among the different medical alternatives we find oral and topical treatment and regenerative injectable treatments such as mesotherapy and hair hydration, all based on their own formulation and based on years of study and experience.
Each one uses a masterful formula that brings together all the natural and chemical drugs available on the market, the effect of which is aimed at preventing alopecia, recovering and improving hair loss and quality, and cannot be purchased in any other establishment.

Treatment individuality

From Dr. Panno’s Hair Transplant Clinic we offer personalised advice to our patients to draw up a customised hair regeneration plan and assess which will be the best treatment depending on the age, condition of the hair or the state of alopecia of the  patient.
Each of the treatments will be specific and personal for each patient, that is, they will have their own and individual formulation, whose indicated doses and medications will be exclusive for each specific case, modifying these depending on the time, evolution and result that the  Dr. Panno and his team are watching.

Hair Self-medicating risks

It is socially known which are the drugs indicated in hair medicine against alopecia.  It is for this reason that patients acquire these generics in the different pharmacies with ease.
Hair self-medicating without the supervision and help of a specialist such as Dr. Panno, can lead to poor control of alopecia, the appearance of a multitude of harmful side effects to health.
Contraindications and side effects can be categorised as mild, moderate and severe, and although most and in most cases are usually reversible, this is not always the case.

Importance of going to a specialist

As we have previously said, the drugs to which people have access are generic that quite often contain unnecessary and harmful excipients, in addition the doses are not usually adapted to the state of alopecia, at the time when an exacerbation of the  hair loss or weakening, which may be ineffective or even be used without knowing its contraindications.
From the Dr. Panno Hair Transplant Clinic, we work to provide personal attention and service, carrying out a prior study with the necessary technical means in each case, eliminating the side effects that may arise from any therapy and achieving the best results with the  more complete, effective, novel and safe treatments.
Dr. Panno’s Hair Transplant Clinic is solely dedicated to hair transplantation and treatment, thereby guaranteeing the best results and the most exclusive therapies.
You can check more interesting content on hair care on Dr. Panno’s blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.  We also invite you to watch interesting videos on our YouTube channel.
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