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What are the aspects that damage your beard?


Aspects that damage your beard

Are you one of those who have grown a beard?  

If the answer is yes, it is not surprising, as it has become a trend today.  But, are you aware of the mistakes you may be making when taking care of it?  

Here are some of the most common so you can take notes and your beard does not suffer. 

Do not trim it and do not comb it 

From the first month, your beard will need to be trimmed so that it looks balanced, since there will be areas that grow faster than others.  

It will also be essential that you comb it, not only with your fingers, but with a special comb that stimulates the hair follicles and the skin underneath.  

Ideally, you should comb your beard after each wash. 

Do not use products for your care 

In the same way that the hair on the head requires some products and tools for its care, the hair on the beard also needs it.  Bet on a comb, an oil and a special washing shampoo to maintain an attractive and healthy-looking beard. 

Don’t touch it too much 

Although it is a continuous temptation, try not to play or pull the beard excessively or aggressively, as this translates into stress for the hair follicle, causing it to detach prematurely. 

Wash it excessively 

Wash your beard only when you see it necessary, not excessively, although this will depend on the degree of exposure to external factors to which you are exposed, such as the weather, pollution, etc.  Everything influences abusing aftershave If you have delicate skin, replace the aftershave with natural products such as aloe vera or other balms.  This way you will avoid irritation and the appearance of other reactions that end up affecting the hairline. 

Neglecting the razor blades 

The use of a good blade is recommended to shave the beard, which allows not only to look better, but also to take care of the skin. Do not be impatient! To value your beard, wait at least two months.  If you get impatient, you may end up removing your beard – so you’ll have to start from scratch if you regret it – or using unreliable products that supposedly accelerate its growth.

The hair graft in the beard 

The beard, one of the most common areas of hair transplantation in men, is a facial aesthetic component that can be improved with hair surgery, and is currently an ideal of beauty.  

The hair graft will provide a greater volume, a more natural appearance and with this depopulated areas will be covered, thus providing greater uniformity.  In addition, the hair graft in the beard will also be the ideal solution to hide cleft lip scars, accidents, burns or acne marks. 

One of the most suitable hair transplant techniques, and that we apply at Dr. Panno’s Hair Transplant Clinic, is the Nano FUE technique.  The Nano FUE technique is commonly used for the repopulation of small areas, such as eyebrows, beards or crowns.  

However, the choice of the appropriate hair transplant technique for the particular case of the patient should be assessed by Dr. Panno in a first free informative consultation.

You can consult more interesting contents about the capillary graft in Dr. Panno’s blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We also invite you to watch interesting videos on our Youtube channel.

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