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Spring hair loss

la caída del pelo en primavera

la caída del pelo en primavera

Spring and hair fall

In addition to the time change and the arrival of warmer temperatures, spring brings with it some consequences for our body and our self-esteem.
One of the best known effects, and one that can touch us the closest, since it is very common for us to be affected by it, is the more excessive hair loss than usual that we experience with the change of season.
Dr. Panno, a specialist hair surgeon with more than 20 years of experience in hair treatment, confirms that this seasonal hair loss is called telogen effluvium and tells us that it can last between 1 and 3 months, although in some cases this effluvium Telogen can last longer, depending on the person and their hair quality.

How to Treat Seasonal Telogen Effluvium

Seasonal telogen effluvium affects the majority of the population due to the photoperiod, through which light alters our hormones and, these in turn, our hair. This seasonal telogen effluvium can be treated with hair treatments.
From Dr. Panno’s Hair Transplant Clinic we recommend the application of the following hair treatments and therapies: platelet-rich plasma (PRP), hair mesotherapy, hair rehydration therapy and oral and topical supplementation.
The objective of applying these hair treatments is to limit this seasonal hair loss over time and promote hair recovery as soon as possible. The truth is that this telogen effluvium is inevitable, it has to happen, with a minimum of 2 times a year and a maximum of 4 times a year. Therefore, with medication or injectables, what is only achieved is to limit it over time.
In addition, it is essential that the patient consults with the hair specialist, Dr. Panno, since each patient must receive a treatment or medication in a personalised way, that is, knowing the indications of each particular patient, analysing the situation, analysing if the hair that falls out is getting finer, or is of the same caliber, etc.
You can check out more interesting hair care content on Dr. Panno’s blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We also invite you to watch interesting videos on our YouTube channel.
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